UPDATE: The success and growth of UMHB33 led a group of generous donors to establish an endowed fund to support the future of the ministry, equipping young men for a life of leadership and service modeled after Christ. If you are interested in supporting this fund or learning how to get involved, please visit advance.umhb.edu/umhb33 or contact Ben Hammonds, Director of Fundraising via email at bhammonds@umhb.edu. (This article is from the UMHB Life archives and was originally published in the Fall 2022 issue.)
By Christi Mays
John Gonzales remembers going to church when he was a kid. He remembers singing songs in Sunday school, playing fun games and memorizing Bible verses. As he grew older, he found himself going to church less and less often, but a verse he had learned all those years ago, John 3:16, had always stuck with him. He knew it was significant but didn’t understand why.
One day shortly after moving into McLane Residence Hall as an incoming freshman last year, John’s RA invited him to a new men’s ministry called UMHB33. John agreed to go, thinking it would be the perfect opportunity to get involved and meet people. Little did he know that the invitation would change his life eternally.